Health & Care of Dogs

Dog Breath Metallic: Causes, Solutions, and Tips

Dog Breath Metallic: Causes, Solutions, and Tips

If you have ever noticed that your dog’s breath smells like metal, you might be wondering what is causing this unpleasant odor and what you can do to fix it. Metallic-smelling breath in dogs can be a sign of various health problems, some of which can be serious and...

Does Dog Urine Attract Rats? Exploring the Connection

Does Dog Urine Attract Rats? Exploring the Connection

As a dog owner, you have probably asked yourself more than once if dog urine attracts rats. It's a common concern, but don't worry, on this page you will find the answer to your question as well as, potential risks of rats in your dog's enviroment, ways to prevent...

Fishy smell from female dog: 10 possible reasons

Fishy smell from female dog: 10 possible reasons

Owning a female dog can be a rewarding experience, but like any pet, they can sometimes exhibit peculiar odors. One common issue that, especially those owners of female dogs, may complain that their pets have an unpleasant fishy odor. This nasty scent can have several...

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What Smells Do Dogs Like? Unveiling the Canine Sense of Smell

What Smells Do Dogs Like? Unveiling the Canine Sense of Smell

Dogs are renowned for their incredible sense of smell. With approximately 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to the mere 5 million in humans, it's no wonder they have such a keen sense of smell. But have you ever wondered what smells dogs...

What do dogs smell like?: Understanding Their Unique Scent

What do dogs smell like?: Understanding Their Unique Scent

Dogs possess an incredible sense of smell that is far superior to our own. Their olfactory abilities are truly remarkable, allowing them to detect a numberless of scents that escape our human senses. Hence, they and we have different perceptions of what do dogs smell...

Can Dogs Smell Time?

Can Dogs Smell Time?

What does it mean to smell time? “Smelling time” refers to the idea that dogs, and possibly other animals, can perceive and distinguish the duration or temporal sequence of events through odors. The theory suggests that subtle changes in odors can provide information...